
Thedefaultgatewayisforanyandalltrafficwhichisnotdestinedforthelocalnetworkandforwhichnopreferredrouteisspecifiedintheroutingtable.,ThedefaultgatewayisadevicesuchasarouterthatservesastheedgedevicesprovidinganaccesspointtoothernetworksandisusedtoforwardIPpackets ...,Inahomeorsmallofficeenvironment,thedefaultgatewayisadevice,suchasaDSLrouterorcablerouter,thatconnectsthelocalnetworktotheInternet.,...

11.4. Static Routes and the Default Gateway

The default gateway is for any and all traffic which is not destined for the local network and for which no preferred route is specified in the routing table.

Cisco CCNA

The default gateway is a device such as a router that serves as the edge devices providing an access point to other networks and is used to forward IP packets ...

Default gateway

In a home or small office environment, the default gateway is a device, such as a DSL router or cable router, that connects the local network to the Internet.

Default route

In computer networking, the default route is a configuration of the Internet Protocol (IP) that establishes a forwarding rule for packets when no specific ...

How to configure the default gateway of the smart ... - TP

2022年6月28日 — The default route consists of three parameters: Destination, Subnet Mask and Next hop (Gateway) as shown in the picture above. The Destination ...

Linux setup default gateway with route command

2024年4月1日 — This page explains how to setup a default gateway using the route or ip command in Linux operating system command-line.

What is the difference between a default route and ...

2020年12月3日 — The default gateway on your computer is the local IP address of the router. It points your computer to the way out of your local network. This ...


2012年12月9日 — 另一位同事回應,差異是一個是Layer 2、一個是Layer 3。原發問的同事答: 沒錯!!

設定使用IP 命令的最後選用閘道

2023年12月11日 — ip route 使用命令ip default-gateway. ip default-gateway 指令與其他兩個指令不同,因為只有在Cisco路由器 ...

靜默冥思@技術本位: IP Default Route & IP Default

2013年11月14日 — Use the ip default-network and ip route commands to set the gateway of last resort on Cisco routers that have ip routing enabled ...

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?
